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Kaggi Valentine

Somatic Sex Educator, Sexological Bodyworker and a STREAM Pelvic Care Specialist. 

I am passionate about pelvic health and wellness.  I work holistically and take a full body approach to healing.  

To find out more

Why come to a session?

Our bodies are designed to experience pleasure and access to pleasure is a basic human right.

Many things in life can inhibit our ability to access pleasure.

  • Stress

  • A lack of positive and accurate sex education and understanding of our genitals

  • Injury (including birth)

  • Trauma

  • Scars - both physical or emotional

  • Poor health

  • Ageing

  • Loss and grief

  • Familial, social and cultural background


Most of us have experienced more than one of these impacting on our sexuality and overall vitality and outlook on life at some point in our lives.

However, as humans we are wonderfully adaptable - our neuroplasticity means we have the capacity change.  Whatever has happened in our past and wherever we are in our lives we have the ability to rewire and create more bandwidth for pleasure and ease, should we choose.


Somatic and embodied education is a bottom up approach. It encourages us to develop our awareness of the present moment experience. From there, we can re-educate the brain through the body, with sensitive, compassionate and authentic communication and a healthy dose of curiosity and inquiry. 


Regardless on where you are in your relationship with pleasure, there is always more to learn.

Possible reasons for coming for a session

  • To access more pleasure

  • Mapping of genitals

  • Pain during sex

  • Pelvic pain

  • Birth injury/post birth care

  • Erotic massage training.

  • Early ejaculation

  • Anal health and pleasure

  • Prolapse

  • Prostate Health

  • Penile rehabilitation after prostatectomy

  • Scar remediation

  • Self pleasure/masturbation coaching

  • Healing shame

  • Learning genital anatomy

  • Life transitions and changes

  • Numbness

  • Building arousal and libido

  • Opening to new/unknown possibilities

  • Authentic communication around sex

  • Consent and boundaries

  • Trauma

What happens in a session?

Together we create a session that meets you where you're at

I work in a client led way. This doesn't mean you have to turn up knowing exactly what you want to happen, although you may have some ideas. You are the expert on your own experience. My role is to offer practices and bodywork that supports your process.  


Whether you have a clear sense of the issue you want to work with or not, each session begins with somatic inquiry through use of breath, sound, movement, touch and placement of awareness. We will decide together what feels useful to you whether it be mapping, massage, steaming or scar remediation. There is always time for installation and debriefing to allow for neural rewiring and integration of the work we have done.  

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